Periodontal treatments encompass various procedures aimed at treating gum disease and maintaining healthy gums. Prophys, short for prophylaxis, are routine dental cleanings performed by dental hygienists to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria buildup from the teeth and gums. These cleanings help prevent gum disease by keeping the teeth and gums clean and free of harmful bacteria. They are typically recommended every six months for individuals with healthy gums as part of regular dental maintenance.

Scaling and root planing are deeper periodontal treatments often recommended for individuals with gum disease, specifically gingivitis or periodontitis. Scaling involves removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line using specialized dental instruments, while root planing smooths out rough areas on the tooth roots to prevent bacteria buildup and promote gum reattachment. These procedures help eliminate infection and inflammation in the gums, allowing them to heal and reattach to the teeth properly. Scaling and root planing are typically performed in multiple appointments under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort and may be followed by additional periodontal maintenance appointments as needed to manage gum disease effectively.